Sex determination of home invading nuisance beetles, Mesomorphus villiger Blanchard and Luprops tristis Fabricius (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) based on pupal morphology


  • C. M. Seena
  • P. M. Nirdev
  • Sabu K. Thomas


A methodology based on pupal morphology for sexing two darkling beetles, Mesomorphus villiger and Luprops tristis is described. With this methodology, sexing of teneral adults is possible and is safer than the crude sternal notch methodology that involves forceful extrusion of genitalia of adults which often lead to the death of beetles.

Author Biographies

C. M. Seena

Postgraduate & Research Department of Zoology, St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri,

(Affiliated to University of Calicut), Calicut, Kerala 673008, India

P. M. Nirdev

Postgraduate & Research Department of Zoology, St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri,

(Affiliated to University of Calicut), Calicut, Kerala 673008, India

Sabu K. Thomas

Postgraduate & Research Department of Zoology, St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri,

(Affiliated to University of Calicut), Calicut, Kerala 673008, India.




How to Cite

Seena, C. M., Nirdev, P. M., & Thomas, S. K. (2018). Sex determination of home invading nuisance beetles, Mesomorphus villiger Blanchard and Luprops tristis Fabricius (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) based on pupal morphology. ENTOMON, 43(1), 61–62. Retrieved from



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