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Author Guidelines

ENTOMON (Print ISSN: 0377-9335) is the official publication of the Association for Advancement of Entomology (AAE), a non-governmental organization of Entomologists in India and abroad, since 1975. It publishes original research articles in Entomology and related branches of science. Outstanding articles, invited papers projecting novel ideas/ technology beneficial to the members of the AAE also may be considered for publication.

Announcements of seminars/ symposia, book reviews and other items of entomological interest will also be considered for publication.

Research papers - Full papers are to be covered in 4-10 printed pages and Short Communications 1 - 3 pages.

The articles should be organized in the format seen in the latest issue of ENTOMON. Full papers consist of Title, Authors name/s and address, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References. Short Communication should be presented in the same format as in full papers, but without subheadings.

Publication policy: Submission of a manuscript to ENTOMON implies that the content has neither been published earlier nor will be sent to any other publisher without intimation to ENTOMON.

ENTOMON is committed to maintaining publication ethical standards. On allegations of misconduct, the Editorial Boards is empowered to take appropriate action, including retraction of published articles, according to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines.

At least one of the authors should be a member of AAE. For downloading the format of application for membership in AAE, please see the Publication Policy page.

A fee of Rs 300 (US $ 4 per page for authors from south-east Asia, and middle ( and low income ( countries (US $ 10 for authors from countries denoted as advanced economies) will be charged for each black and white printed page (invoice will be sent along with the proof) for publication of the articles in ENTOMON. Publication in colour will be charged at Rs 500 per page. 

A free PDF offprint of each article will be supplied to the author identified for correspondence.

Manuscript submission: All manuscripts should be submitted online or by e-mail and all correspondence will be through e-mail to

All manuscripts, after a preliminary scrutiny by the editorial team, will be subjected to peer review by at least two referees who are experts in the area of the submitted paper. ENTOMON aims to process the articles within five months of receipt. Publication will be based on priority with effect from the date of acceptance. Papers ajudged demanding immediate attention of beneficiaries will be fast-tracked for publication.

Soft copy of each manuscript should be e mailed to and if hard copies to be delivered please send to the Chief Editor, ENTOMON, Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellayani, Trivandrum 695522, Kerala, India.

Manuscript preparation: Manuscripts prepared on the basis of following guide lines will facilitate early publication in ENTOMON.

Manuscripts should be typed double space having 3.5 cm margin on the left and 2.5 cm margin on the right. The first page should contain the title, author/s name/s, affiliation and email address. When the number of authors are more than one, indicate the name and e mail of the author for correspondence with an asterisk mark and specify author for correspondence in a foot note. The second page should contain the abstract, followed by key words and a running title. From page 3 onwards type the text continuously from Introduction to References. Place the Tables and Illustrations on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript. The pages are to be numbered serially.

Title should be brief, informative and in sentence case.

Address of each author should be given in italics. E mail address and mobile number of the author identified for correspondence should be provided.

Abstract should be concise, accurate and informative. It should be complete in itself but limited to 250 words.

Key words should be 4 - 6, indicators of the work, helpful in indexing the article.

Introduction should include specific aim of the research work undertaken, a review of literature leading to the identification of gaps in knowledge. It should justify the work carried out avoiding elementary details and repetition of well known facts.

Materials and method should be concise but provide enough detail to permit proper interpretation of the results as well as to allow repetition by others. Technical description of method is needed only when the method is new. If the method followed has been already described elsewhere, just give the reference. If any alteration is made, describe the alteration along with reason.

Results should be presented in clear and concise form. Data must be analysed adopting suitable statistical methods. Tables should be numbered consecutively in arabic numeral and should be self explanatory. Repetition of the data should be avoided in the text but for highlighting specific findings. Do not include graphs duplicating the data presented in the tables. Material appropriate for discussion should not be included in results.

Illustrations should be of good quality. Photographs and diagrams should be organized into plates and numbered serially. The illustrations in each plate should be numbered consecutively as Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc., without distinction between drawings, graphs and photographs, with proper labeling. Legend for the figures should be provided in separate sheet.

All illustrations must be referred to at the appropriate places in the text. Illustrations should be submitted in TIFF format at the following resolutions: line art, 1200 dpi; grey scale, 800 dpi; and colour halftone, 600 dpi. Figures should be sized to fit 24 cm x 18cm.

Discussion and interpretation of the data should be with reference to the objectives of the experiment. Relate the results to previous studies and discuss their implications. Compare and contrast your findings with known details and highlight if any. Project the new contributions in the paper and stress the importance and relevance of the study. Suggest plausible ways of exploring answers for the new questions arising from results. Discussion should also point out limitations of the study, if any.

Acknowledgement of financial grants, technical assistance, identification of specimens and supply of essential literature may be included.

Citations in the text should be formatted as follows: Nair (1990) or (Nair, 1990), Bhasin and Roonwal, 1954 or (Bhasin and Roonwal, 1954) or Bhasin and Roonwal (1954) and Nair et al., 2004 or Nair et al. (2004). Groups of references, with in parentheses, should be cited in chronological order.

References should be formatted according to the style of ENTOMON, as given below.

Reference cited should be listed in alphabetical order.

Examples of citations under references:

Articles in journals:

Author A. (year) Title of the article. Name of the journal in full (not in italics), Volume number (issue number): page numbers.

Author A., Author B. and Author C. (year) Title of the paper. Name of the journal in full, Volume number (issue number): x - y.

Author A., Author B., Author C and Author D. (year) Title of the paper. Name of the journal in full, Volume number (issue number): x -  y.

Book chapters:

Author A. (year) Title of the chapter. In: Name of the book Vol. number (Eds. Editor A. Editor B. and Editor C.), Name of the publisher, City, pp x - y.


Author A. (year) Title of the book. Name of the publisher, City, xyz pp.

Conference proceedings:

Author (year) Title of the article. In: Proceedings of xxxxx. Place of the conference, dates month, year, publisher, pp x - y.

Internet resources:

Author (2013) Title. Name of the publisher, City. Available from: http://xxxxxx/ (Accessed on 24 March, 2014).

Please note that page ranges are connected by n-dash (the length of an 'n') and not by hyphen (-). Use of a tool such as Latex for reference management and formatting is recommended.

Papers must strictly conform to the requirements of the latest version of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.

Deposition of voucher specimens, in public depositories, in case of new reports, to facilitate verification by others is strongly suggested.

Proof of the article will be sent to the author for correspondence by e-mail as PDF file for proof correction, and will be asked to return corrected proof within three days by e mail.

Disclaimer: The information and opinions presented in the articles of ENTOMON reflect the views of the author/s and not of the Journal or its Editorial Board or the publisher. Publication articles/ short communications do not give any endorsement by the JOURNAL.

Ethics policy of ENTOMON

Authors are are adviced to go through the Publication Ethics and Malpractices Statement of Entomon ( before manuscript submission.


ENTOMON follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Guidelines on Good Publication Practices.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.