Effect of spinosad 45 SC on growth and Development of Entomopathogenic Fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana


  • K.R. Gowrish Department of Entomology, Kerala Agricultural University, College of Agriculture, Padanakkad 671314, Kerala, India.
  • B. Ramesha Department of Entomology, Kerala Agricultural University, College of Agriculture, Padanakkad 671314, Kerala, India.
  • R. Ushakumari Department of Entomology, Kerala Agricultural University, College of Agriculture, Padanakkad 671314, Kerala, India.
  • T. Santhoshkumar Department of Entomology, Kerala Agricultural University, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pilicode 671310, Kerala, India.
  • Vijayaraghava Kumar Department of Agricultural Statistics, Kerala Agricultural University, College of Agriculture, Vellayani 695522, Kerala, India.


An experiment was conducted to assess the in vitro effect of spinosad 45 SC (Tracer ® ) on the entomopathogenic fungi viz., M. anisopliae and B. bassiana. The insecticide was applied at various concentrations and the field dose and higher doses adversely affected colony development, sporulation and spore germination. The effect was significantly higher on B. bassiana than on M. anisopliae and the effect increased with the dosage of insecticide used.


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How to Cite

Gowrish, K., Ramesha, B., Ushakumari, R., Santhoshkumar, T., & Kumar, V. (2015). Effect of spinosad 45 SC on growth and Development of Entomopathogenic Fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana. ENTOMON, 38(3), 155–160. Retrieved from http://entomon.ambadi.org.in/index.php/Entomon/article/view/32


