A new report of the myrmecophilous root mealy bug Xenococcus annandalei Silvestri (Rhizoecidae: Hemiptera) - a devastating pest


  • K.B. Deepthy Cardamom Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Pampadumpara, Idukki - 685553, India
  • Sunil Joshi National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru -560 024, India
  • V.S. Manoj Cardamom Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Pampadumpara, Idukki - 685553, India
  • M.K. Dhanya Cardamom Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Pampadumpara, Idukki - 685553, India
  • T. Maya Cardamom Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Pampadumpara, Idukki - 685553, India
  • K. P. Kuriakose Cardamom Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Pampadumpara, Idukki - 685553, India
  • K.P. Krishnaprasad Cardamom Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Pampadumpara, Idukki - 685553, India


Root mealy bug, Xenococcus annandalei, Acropyga acutiventris, myremecophilous, host plants


The obligate myrmecophilous root mealybug Xenococcus annandalei Silvestri belonging to the family Rhizoecidae and order Hemiptera was recorded on tender roots of a wide range of economically important crop plants and weeds at Idukki, Kerala, India. This is a new distributional report of the pest from South India. Both nymphs and adults are seen congregating the roots and rootlets and suck sap. Ant species Acropyga acutiventris Roger was always seen in association with these mealy bugs and helps in the spread of mealy bugs to the healthy plants. Ant nests are seen inside the soil and inside these nests mealy bugs are also seen. The present study identifies the mealybug and the associated ant. Host plants including crops and weed plants are described here. The cryptic habitat of the pest and its association with ants demands detailed examination of the planting materials along with correct management strategies so as to prevent the migration of the pest to other pest free area of the country.




How to Cite

Deepthy, K., Joshi, S., Manoj, V., Dhanya, M., Maya, T., Kuriakose, K. P., & Krishnaprasad, K. (2017). A new report of the myrmecophilous root mealy bug Xenococcus annandalei Silvestri (Rhizoecidae: Hemiptera) - a devastating pest. ENTOMON, 42(3), 185–192. Retrieved from http://entomon.ambadi.org.in/index.php/Entomon/article/view/308


